"Three-quarters of all investors agreed that voting on issues associated with their investments contributes to their financial well-being, a sentiment that 83% of millennials echoed."

Push the Button to Vote


When you invest in common stock for a company, you become a part owner and are entitled to certain rights — rights you paid for when you purchased shares in a public company.  

No matter how you choose to “own” or “hold” your shares, you are entitled to a say in some aspects of how the company is run.

You may have the right to vote on many important issues, including:

  • Board member elections (they make the decisions on the details)
  • Significant corporate transactions (mergers, acquisitions)
  • Specific proposals that may affect the company you have invested in, such as:
    • Increasing or decreasing dividends
    • Environmental policies
    • Social practices and policies.


The proxy process — or proxy voting — is the term used to describe the means for shareholders to participate in a company's annual shareholders meeting,without attending the meeting. This way, shareholders who do not attend a meeting may vote on the matters to be considered at the meeting.

Additionally there are other advantages through digitally submitting your proxy vote.  Your vote is direct, and it is paperless.  The process is efficient as possible, and reducing our impact on the planet. 

You can vote in person by attending the meeting, or you typically can vote via proxy by sending voting instructions to the company:  Vote Online, Vote by mail, Vote by telephone, Vote by Google mobile apps, and Vote by Apple mobile apps.